H. 175
Bill Number and Name |
H.175 An Act related to Expanding the Bottle Bill |
Primary Sponsor |
Representative James McCullough |
Proposed Changes/Summary |
At the time of its implementation in 1973, Vermont’s bottle bill did not include non-carbonated drinks, a drink which now comprises half of the state’s beverage market. H. 175 would update the program to include non-carbonated beverages. The bill formally included a provision that would also increase the deposit value on all non-alcoholic beverages from 5¢ to 10¢, keeping up with inflation and increasing redemption rates. This was removed during one of the bill's amendments. |
Deposit Value
•5¢ USD
Redemption System
• Updated to include non-carbonated beverages
Legislative activity
4/21/2021 | Read First time in Senate and referred to Committee on Rules. |
4/16/2021 | Read Three times and passed in House. |
4/16/2021 | Third amendment by Rep. Gregoire disagreed to. |
4/15/2021 | Read Second time. Three instances of movement to amend the bill; first two amendments passed (see House journal here). Third reading ordered for the next day. |
4/2/2021 | Referred to Committee on Appropriations per Rule 35(a). |
3/09/2021 | Referred to Committee on Ways and Means per Rule 35(a). |
2/03/2021 | Read First Time and Referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, Fish, and Wildlife. |
CRI Activity
CRI submitted a letter of support for H. 175 on 25 February 2021. CRI then presented testimony in front of the House Committee on Ways and Means in support of H.175 on 9 March 2021. CRI has also submitted anticipated revenue projections upon the passage of H.175, analyzing the bill’s modernization of Vermont’s beverage container program.
Lasted Updated on 10 May 2021.