Bottle Bill Resource Guide

Name of Program
Waste Management and Resource Recovery Amendment Bill 2017
Law Summary
"Objects of the bill are-

(a)   establish a cost effective container deposit scheme to assist the beverage industry in reducing and dealing with waste generated by beverage product packaging; and

(b)    promote the recovery, reuse and recycling of empty beverage containers." [1]

Date Implemented 6/30/2018
Beverages Covered

Beverages in the following containers that are ≥150mL or ≤3L [2]:

  • Cans (e.g. soft drinks)
  • Bottles (e.g. beer bottles)
  • Cartons (e.g. flavoured milk)
  • Juice boxes and poppers

Beverages Not Covered

  • Milk containers
  • Glass wine bottles
  • Glass spirit bottles
  • Pure juice containers over 1 litre
  • Cordial bottles
Amount of Deposit

10¢ AUD

Fees and Taxes 

Beverage suppliers pay EFC administrative costs, a "network fee" for the Network Operator, and a "Compliance fee", which change monthly. This is sent out in the EFC's  monthly Supplier Newsletters. [3]

Unclaimed Deposts N/A; producers are charged a "producer fee" based on the number of containers returned versus revenue generated from the sale of material. [4]
Program Success


  2018-2019 [5] 2019-2020[6] 2020-2021[7] 2021-2022[8] 2022-2023 [9]
Overall 50.36% 50% 68% 75% 70%
Aluminum 19.84% 68% 77% 83% 82%
Glass 14.92% 52% 67% 93% 69%
HDPE 1.03% 24% 39% 63% 87%
PET 14.17% 37% 74% 61% 65%
Liquid Paperboard 0.38% 15% 15% 17% 21%
Other plastics/materials 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%



More Information

The ACT CDS operates as a ‘partnership’ between the Government and the beverage container industry:

  • The Scheme Coordinator, Exchange for Change, manages scheme finances and auditing.
  • The Network Operator, Re.Turn It, manages the network of collection points. There is currently only one Network Operator, although other operators are not precluded from the ACT CDS.
  • Government, manages compliance with the legislation along with instruments and documents made within the legislative framework. [10]

The collection network is predominantly manual depot-based, with a government preference for ‘face-to-face’ drop off facilities, replicating the South Australian scheme, as well as charity sector shop drop offs and other social enterprise involvement. There are currently 19 collection points, with three being depots with cash refunds for consumers. Two of these depots have automated counting. The other collection points are "bag-drop" collection points, supermarkets, a community group, and charity stores. Curbside redemption is also eligible, with the 10-cent refund shared between the government and the Material Recovery Facility operator.

Consumers may leave eligible containers as part of their general curbside recycling; if they do so, material recovery facility (MRF) operators may make a claim for the 10¢ refund for each container collected through curbside collection bins. MRF operators are audited by Exchange for Change at least quarterly.

The ACT deposit scheme is highly successful, with over 181 million containers being returned through the 19 collection points, as of June 2022. [11]

In April 2021, the ACT Government announced that it will consult in 2023 on expanding the scheme to include new containers such as wine bottles, spirit, and cordial bottles to harmonize container deposit schemes across Australia by the end of 2025. [12] The public was able to submit feedback on the expansion proposal from May 30, 2023 to August 22, 2023. A report on the submitted feedback plans was released in September 2023, and the public indicated that the following items should be included in the scheme expansion: [13]

  • water
  • fruit and vegetable juice (at least 90% juice)
  • flavored milk
  • concentrated fruit and vegetable juice intended to be diluted before consumption
  • cordial
  • wine
  • spirits
  • flavored alcoholic beverages with a wine base

ACT will consider this feedback for scheme expansion in 2025.


[1] Waste Management and Resource Recovery Amendment Bill 2017 (ACT).

[2] "Eligible Containers." ACT Container Deposit Scheme.

[3] "Scheme Payments and Contribution Methodology." Exchange for Change AU. 2016.

[4] "Global Deposit Book 2020: An Overview of Deposit Systems for One-Way Beverage Containers." Reloop Inc. December 15, 2020.

[5] 2018-19 ACT CDS Annual Statutory Report. Exchange for Change AU. 2019.

[6]  2019-20 ACT CDS Annual Statutory Report. Exchange for Change AU. 2020.

[7]  2020-21 ACT CDS Annual Statutory Report. Exchange for Change AU. 2021.

[8]  2021-22 ACT CDS Annual Statutory Report. Exchange for Change AU. 2022.

[9] 2022-23 ACT CDS Annual Statutory Report. Exchange for Change AU. 2023.

[10] Personal communication from Alex Taylor, Director of Waste Regulation, Australian Capital Territory Government, January 20, 2020.

[11] "ACT Container Deposit Scheme celebrates recycling milestone on 4th birthday." Exchange for Change. The National Tribune. June 30, 2022.

[12] "ACT Container Deposit Scheme Expansion." ACT Government. 2023. 

[13] "ACT Container Deposit Scheme Expansion - CDS Listening Report" ACT Government. 2023.

Last Updated on January 3, 2024.

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ACT Container Deposit Scheme

General Enquiries (Tel):                    (02) 6280 8538

Suppliers Information (Tel):         1800 813 887

P.O. Box 3414 Rhodes NSW 2138


ACT Government City Services

Transport Canberra and City Services
GPO Box 158
Canberra ACT 2601

Local (Tel): 13 22 81  
International (Tel): +61 2 6207 5111 

Exchange for Change (Australia)

(Tel): 1800 813 887
