Bottle Bill Resource Guide

The 2011 West Virginia Campaign

Bill Number and Name House Bill 2814
Primary Sponsor Fleischauer, Talbott, Brown, Manypenny, Poling, M., Staggers, Hatfield,
Beverages Covered All beverages except dairy and "nutritional" drinks
Containers Covered metal, glass, plastic, or combination of these materials, up to one gallon
Handling Fees 1¢, paid by Department of Environmental Protection to redemption centers
Other Fees / Taxes  
Reclamation System Return to redemption centers
Unredeemed Deposits Retained by Department of Environmental Protection


The West Virginia bill this year proposes amendments to an existing law for wildlife rehabilitation. The container deposit system is to be established to meet the requirements of the West Virginia Recycling Act, enacted in 1989.

Under this bill, dealers are required to collect deposits from the customers and remit them monthly to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Unlike in many deposit systems, manufacturers and distributors are left out of the system. Similarly, retailers are not required to collect empty containers or issue refunds.

Redemption centers may enforce a $25 per-person, per-day limit.

The bill lays out the process for certification of a redemption center as well as the reporting responsibilities of established redemption centers.

The bill establishes a "Returnable Container Deposit Fund" to be maintained by the DEP. Funds shall be used for paying refunds and handling fees and for administering the system. Ten percent of the remaining funds are to be transferred into the "Community Litter Control Fund," also created by this bill. The Community Litter Control Fund is to be used to disburse grants to establish and improve recycling programs.


January 24, 2011: Introduced and referred to House Judiciary Committee


Linda Frame
Linda Frame
WV-Citizen Action Group
1500 Dixie Street
Charleston, WV 25311

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The 2008 West Virginia Campaign

2008 marks the 6th year running that West Virginia has introduced bottle bill legislation. This year, identical bottle bills were introduced in the house and the senate. West Virginia Citizen Action Group is at the forefront of the campaign.

Bill Number The WV Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Control Act, HB 2773, SB 135
Primary Sponsors Senate: Senators McCabe (D-Kanawha), Foster (D-Kanawha), White (D-Webster)

House: Delegates Fleischauer (D-Monongalia), M. Poling (D-Barbour), Hatfield (D-Kanawha), Fragale (D-Harrison), Hamilton (R-Upshur), Brown (D-Kanawha), Tabb (D-Jefferson), Miley (D-Harrison), Manchin (D-Marion), Beach (D-Monongalia), Canterbury (R-Greenbrier)
Containers Covered All airtight beverage containers of glass, aluminum, or plastic, under 1 gallon
Beverages Covered All beverages except dairy
Deposits 10¢



January 9, 2008: The WV Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Control Act was introduced in both the House (HB 2773) and Senate (SB 135)

February 5: the president of NexCycle, John Ferrari, paid a visit to the state Capitol. NexCycle’s presence at the Capitol was a clear indication to legislators and the governor that keeping our beverage containers from being landfilled is a money-making venture and there are companies ready to come here and take advantage of this opportunity.

April 25: The bills were left to die in legislature without a vote, but they will be studied in the interim session starting May 18.


Linda Frame
Linda Frame
WV-Citizen Action Group
1500 Dixie Street
Charleston, WV 25311

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Delegate Barbara Fleischauer

Senator Brooks McCabe


West Virginia's 2007 Campaign

Bill #: HB 2773 SB 370

Primary Sponsors
Senate: Senators McCabe (D-Kanawha), Foster (D-Kanawha), White (D-Webster), Wells (D-Kanawha) and Stollings (D-Boone)
House: Delegates Fleischauer (D-Monongalia), M. Poling (D-Barbour), Hatfield (D-Kanawha), Fragale (D-Harrison), Hamilton (R-Upshur), Brown (D-Kanawha), Tabb (D-Jefferson), Miley (D-Harrison), Manchin (D-Marion), Beach (D-Monongalia), Canterbury (R-Greenbrier)

Amount of Deposit: 10¢

Containers Covered: All airtight beverage containers of glass, aluminum, or plastic, under 1 gallon (excluding dairy products)

2007 was a busy year for the WV bottle bill campaign and the bills.

WV-Citizen Action, along with Friends of the Lower Greenbrier River, sponsored a survey to the state's more than 900 Adopt-A-Highway volunteers.  Over one-half returned the survey with 81% indicating they would support the WV Bottle Bill.  Only 11 groups (2%) said they would not support such legislation and the remaining 16% were unsure and wanted to know more.  Several Adopt-A-Highway groups decided to cancel their annual clean-ups as a response to the WV legislature's failure to take up the Bottle Bill during the 2007 Legislative Session.  For more on the survey results and other information, please visit

Lead sponsor Delegate Barbara Fleischauer led an Earth Day clean-up in and around the West Virginia University campus in Morgantown.  Beverage containers were collected in clear bags and other trash was put in dark bags.  Beverage container litter outnumbered all other trash by a 3:2 ratio.  Students called on Governor Joe Manchin to put his support behind the WV Bottle Bill by mailing him empty plastic bottles picked up during the event.

West Virginia's 2006 Campaign

Bill #: HB 2330 and SB 136

Primary Sponsor(s): Delegate Jon Doyle (D), Senator Brooks McCabe (D)

Introduction Date: January 2006

Summary of Activity: Establishing the "Container Recycling and Litter Control Act." HB 2330 referred to House Judiciary. SB 136 referred to Senate Judiciary and then Senate Finance. On January 19, 2006, Senate Judiciary took up the bill and sent it to a subcommittee for technical corrections.

-Provisions of Bill-

Amount of deposit: 10 cents

Containers covered: metal, glass, plastic or paper

Beverages Covered: non alcoholic or alcohlic carbonated beverages or non carbonated excluding milk or other dairy derived products



West Virginia's 2003-2004 Bottle Bill Campaign

Bill #: HB 4147, HB 2761, SB 290, SB 293

Primary Sponsor(s): Del. Barbara Warner (D), Senators Brooks McCabe (D) and John Unger (D)

Introduction Date: 01/14/04

Summary of Activity: 2004 bill referred to House Judiciary on 01/14/04. Passed to Finance. In 2003 was referred to House Judiciary. 3/16/03 died upon adjournment.

-Provisions of Bill-

Amount of deposit: 10 cents

Handling fee: none

Containers covered: metal, glass, plastic or paper

Beverages Covered: beer, soft drinks, other non alcoholic carbonated drinks, soda water, or mixed wine



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No time to read this whole website?

View the PowerPoint presentation instead. Container Deposit Legislation: Past, Present, Future provides a quick look at the most important facts about bottle bills. This presentation is also a great tool for activists needing to present information in support of a bottle bill.