Bottle Bill Resource Guide

2022 Bills and Campaigns for Deposit Systems

2021 Bills and Campaigns for Deposit Systems

2019 Bills and Campaigns for Deposit Systems

Proposed Container Deposit Laws:

This webpage contains information on a selection of deposit-related bills before state legislatures. In 2019, there were more than 100 bills introduced throughout the United States:

  • some for new deposit laws
  • some to expand or modify existing deposit laws
  • others that would repeal deposit laws.

As a small organization, CRI doesn’t have the time or the resources to maintain a comprehensive library of all pending legislation, so we’ve done our best to profile a sample of the bills that we think are most important. 

Click the image to the left to get a spreadsheet summarizing all of the bills introduced in states without existing deposit laws in 2019.

Prior years contain samples of introduced bills.

2018 Bills and Campaigns for Deposit Systems

2017 Bills and Campaigns for Deposit Systems