Bottle Bill Resource Guide

Law Summary Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (Container Deposit Scheme) Regulations 2019 (outlines the framework of the scheme as described under Part 5A of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2007)
Date Implemented Passed in 2019, Implemented 10/1/2020
Beverages Covered

Beverages >150 mL and ≤1L:

  • Pure fruit/vegetable juice
  • Milk and dairy alternatives

Beverages >150 mL and ≤3L: 

  • Fermented milk products
  • Carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks
  • Water
  • Carbonated and non-carbonated flavored water
  • Sports drinks
  • Kombucha
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Beer
  • Wine (see exceptions below)
  • Spirits and liquor [1]
Beverages Not Covered
  • Any beverage less than 150 mL or more than 3L
  • Concentrated fruit or vegetable juice
  • Cordial – concentrated/undiluted
  • Wine in sachets more than 250 mL or less than 150 mL
Amount of Deposit

10¢ AUD

Fees and Taxes

Supplier Material Fees a.k.a. supplier fee (2023) [2]:

Material Type Cost per container supplied (minus GST) Plus GST (Goods and Services Tax) Cost per container supplied (Inc GST)
Aluminum 12.39 cents 1.24 cents 13.63 cents
Glass 12.84 cents 1.28 cents 14.12 cents
HDPE 12.85 cents 1.29 cents 14.14 cents
PET 12.76 cents 1.28 cents 14.04 cents
LPB 13.17 cents 1.32 cents 14.39 cents
Other materials 13.17 cents 1.32 cents 14.39 cents
Weighted average cost 12.66 cents 1.27 cents 13.92 cents
Program Success
Redemption Rate* 2020-2021 [3] 2021-2022 [4] 2022-2023 [5]
Aluminum 46.22% 52.76% 56.55%
Glass 43.37% 56.89% 63.56%
PET 32.75% 44.06% 48.37%
HDPE 17.90% 26.77% 30.48%
Steel N/A 30.33% 57.08%
LPB 13.21% 21.40% 23.74%
Other Materials 19.06% 39.27% 28.01%
Overall (incl. MRF collection) 52.96% 60.62% 63.2%

 *: The redemption rates above only include collection from refund points, i.e.RVMs, return to retail, etc., except for the overall rate. The overall rate includes MRF collection of bottle deposit material. For more detailed information regarding MRF collection rates of bottle deposit material, please see the annual reporting by the WARRRL here.


Western Australia's container deposit scheme, known as Containers For Change, began on October 1, 2020. Prior to its implementation, its original start date was June 1, 2020, but was delayed due to COVID-19 health and safety precautions. [6] Most aluminum, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard containers between 150mL and 3L are eligible for a refund under the container deposit scheme. Consumers may drop off their containers at a return point, where they can receive or donate their refunds in the following ways [7]:

  1. Electronic Fund Transfer (if signed up, the refund is sent straight to your nominal bank account)
  2. Cash (claim a cash refund immediately upon return)
  3. Retail cash vouchers (receive the refund in a voucher usable at certain, limited return points)
  4. Donate (Give the refund to a local charity or community group by inputting their scheme ID)

As of July 2022, consumers can return their containers at 255 different return points. [8]

The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation has proposed to extend the CDS to include containers such as all wine and juice and accepted public feedback on the proposal from December 2, 2022 to June 1, 2023. [9]


[1] "List of beverage containers included in the container deposit scheme." Government of Western Australia, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. 

[2] "First Responsible Suppliers: Pricing Guide." WA Return Recycle Renew Ltd. February 2023.

[3] "WARRRL Annual Report FY22 – FY23." WA Return Recycle Renew Ltd. 2024.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid.

[6] "WA Container Deposit Scheme." Government of Western Australia, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.

[7] "Containers for Change: How it Works."  Western Australia Return Recycle Renew, 2020.

[8] See Footnote 3.

[9] "Container Deposit Scene." Government of Western Australia, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation. June 13, 2023. 

Last updated on March 6, 2024.

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