Bottle Bill Resource Guide

The collection and recycling of beer and soda containers in bottle bill states has created tens of thousands of new jobs in retail, distribution and recycling. In states that have a handling fee, a redemption industry has evolved to redeem empty containers. Often these redemption centers expand into small retail operations. In the bottling market, the shift from glass to polyethylene terephthalate or PET plastic bottles was not unique to deposit law states, but occurred throughout the entire U.S. soft drink market.


Massachusetts [1]




The market encompasses 1,260 jobs in MA; 840 in collection, transportation, and maintenance; 340 in sorting; and 80 in processing.

National [2]

~89,000 (5-cent), ~101,000 (10-cent), ~115,000 (15-cent)


Information is available for Job Gains for the 3 deposit amounts listed, and Job Gains, Job Losses, and Net Job Gains for a 5-cent deposit. A 5-cent deposit has led to about 89,000 new jobs and a decrease in 16,000 jobs, making the net job gain about 73,000 jobs.

DRS create 11 to 38 more jobs than a curbside recycling system.

Oregon [3]




Numbers from a report made for the Oregon State Legislative Fiscal Office (did not include increases in retail employment).

Maine [4]




Net job gains estimated by CALPIRG; includes new jobs in recycling.

Michigan [5]




JOB GAINS: Employment increased primarily where bottlers used the refillable bottle process (production line workers, sorters, and bottle wash­ers); Employment gains for brewers and MI Liquor Control Commission data produces an estimate of 68 new hires; Beer distribu­tors' employment gains were due in part to in­creased frequency of delivering to retailers and picking up empty containers. JOB LOSSES: 73 jobs were lost when the National Can Co. closed its plant in Livonia, MI and 167 jobs were lost when employment was reduced at the Owens-Illinois glass plant in Charlotte.

New York [6]




Container manufacturers reported the loss of 135 jobs with the decline for metal cans in the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government report.

Iowa [7]




DNR reported that 1,200 jobs, w/ annual income of $17,000 to $21,000 attributed to the bottle bill. 

British Columbia [8] N/A N/A 745

Total employment generated by recycling beverage containers (excluding employment in recycling operations, which is reported separately) is estimated at almost 745 Full-time equivalents (FTE's). This number is divided into 680 FTE's in collection depots, 26 FTE's in administration, 19 FTE's in transportation, and 20 FTE's in processing.



[1] Industrial Economics Inc. for Container Recycling Institute. "Massachusetts Container Deposit Return System: 2016 Employment and Economic Impacts in the Commonwealth." June 8, 2017. Download link at: 

[2] Container Recycling Institute. "Returning to Work: Understanding the Domestic Jobs Impacts from Different Methods of Recycling Beverage Containers". Jeffrey Morris, Ph.D. and Clarissa Morawski. December 2011. Download link at: 

[3] U.S. G.A.O. Report to the Congress by the Comptroller General of the United States, Potential Effects of a National Mandatory Deposit on Beverage Containers, December 7, 1977.

[4] U.S. G.A.O. Report by the Comptroller General of the United States, States' Experience With Beverage Container Deposit Laws Shows Positive Benefits, December 11, 1980.

[5] Ibid.

[6] Final Report of the Temporary State Commission on Returnable Beverage Containers, New York, March 27, 1985.

[7] Ibid.

[8] Gardner Pinfold Consulting. Economic Impacts of the B.C. Recycling Regulation. August 31, 2008

 Last Updated: 7/8/24

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View the PowerPoint presentation instead. Container Deposit Legislation: Past, Present, Future provides a quick look at the most important facts about bottle bills. This presentation is also a great tool for activists needing to present information in support of a bottle bill.