Bottle Bill Resource Guide

It is through the print and broadcast media, newsletters, and other outreach materials of local membership groups, that most people learn about the problem of beverage container waste and litter, and about bottle bills as a solution. We've already discussed how you can use the news media to further your campaign; here we will show you some other ways educate the public.

 Developing your message should be the first goal of any campaign. Messages can describe the importance of deposits as a way to prevent litter, to keep material out of landfills or incinerators, to protect the environment by reducing energy and resource use, or to save the taxpayer money. Use eye-catching flyers and relevant, accurate information in fact sheets to generate public support. Simple language free of technical jargon is most effective.

Below are some sample publications used to promote the New York Bottle Bill, as well as bottle bills in general.

Once you've developed a message, how do you  get it out to people? The list that follows is just a sampling of ideas:

  • Get a booth at the county fair
  • Hand flyers out at sporting events and other large gatherings
  • Post brochures at grocery stores, libraries, and public bulletin boards
  • Consider delivering your message door-to-door
  • Make presentations at meetings of various organizations
  • If you're die-hard, carry some campaign materials with you wherever you go.  You never know when you might meet a fellow activist!
  • One of the most popular (and relatively low-budget!) ways to promote your campaign is through a website. 

 Holding public events is another great way to promote awareness of your campaign and gather some new supporters to your side. You can do like New York did, and hold a bottle collection event for its bottle bill's 20th anniversary, or you can organize bottle bill rallies, like West Virginia's Deposit Day in 2006.

Bottle Bill Tool Kit Quick Menu

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Bottle Bill Tool Kit

  1. Get the Facts
  2. Build Support
  3. Know the Opposition

  4. Use your Resources!


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No time to read this whole website?

View the PowerPoint presentation instead. Container Deposit Legislation: Past, Present, Future provides a quick look at the most important facts about bottle bills. This presentation is also a great tool for activists needing to present information in support of a bottle bill.