Three bills were introduced in Hawaii this year related to the deposit law. One - which would have added hard spirits and wine to the list of covered beverages - was killed early in the session. Another would add nutritional drinks and supplements. Still another would allow money in the beverage container fund to be used for additional purposes.
Bill Number and Name | HB1975 ![]() |
Primary Sponsor | MAGAOAY, CABANILLA, COFFMAN, EVANS, MORITA, Ito, B. Oshiro, Sagum, Say, Souki |
Beverages Covered | Adds hard spirits and wine |
This bill, whose only provision was that wine and hard spirits be added to Hawaii's definition of a deposit beverage, was killed in committee before we even heard of its existence.
January 20, 2010: Introduced and referred to EEP/EBM committee
February 9, 2010: At hearing, the committee recommended the bill be deferred.
Bill Number and Name | House Bill 2239 |
Beverages Covered | Adds dietary supplements |
With the rationale that many drinks marketed as "energy" or "dietary" supplements are very similar to sports drinks and other beverages covered by the deposit law, this bill would add a deposit to drinks defined as "dietary supplements" under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.
On June 21, Governor Lingle announced her intention to veto the bill, because it added cost to healthy drinks. She also referred to the bottle bill as "expensive" and "ineffective" despite redemption rates over 80%. The Container Recycling Institute sent a letter to the legislature, urging them to consider the numerous environmental benefits of the bill and to override the expected veto. The governor vetoed this bill on July 6, stating that it would be difficult to implement and that it would inconvenience consumers and cost them money. Read the veto message.
January 21, 2010: Introduced in House
January 22, 2010: Referred to EEP
January 28, 2010: Passed out of EEP committee
February 1, 2010: Passed second reading and referred to FIN
February 26, 2010: Passed FIN
March 2, 2010: Passed third reading and referred to Senate
March 3, 2010: Passed first reading in Senate and referred to ENE
March 9, 2010: Passed out of ENE committee with amendments
March 16, 2010: Passed second reading and referred to WAM committee
April 1, 2010: Reported out of WAM with amendments
April 6, 2010: Passed 3rd reading, referred to House.
April 7, 2010: House disagreed with Senate Amendments, referred to conference committee
April 21, 2010: Reported out of Conference Committee with amendments and referred to House and Senate
April 27, 2010: Passed final readings in House and Senate
May 3, 2010: Transmitted to governor
July 6, 2010: Vetoed by governor
Bill Number and Name | House Bill 2542 |
Primary Sponsor | SAY (BR) |
Unredeemed Deposits | Allows up to 1 million dollars to be transferred from the deposit beverage container deposit special fund to the state general fund |
"The Recession of 2008" inflicted damage on Hawaii's state budget. This bill authorizes the director of finance to transfer money from a variety of funds, including the beverage container fund, into the state general fund for the fiscal year 2010 to 2011. Pending the governor's signature, the bill will come into effect July 1, 2010.
The bill passed into law on July 7, authorizing the director of finance to transfer 1 million dollars from the Deposit Beverage Container Fund to the general fund.
January 27, 2010: Introduced in House and referred to FIN committee
February 26, 2010: Passed out of committee with amendments and passed second reading
March 2, 2010: Passed third reading, referred to Senate
March 3, 2010: Passed first Senate reading and referred to WAM committee
April 1, 2010: Passed from WAM with amendments and passed second reading
April 6, 2010: Amended on Senate floor
April 8, 2010: Passed third reading, referred to House; House disagreed with Senate amendments
April 9, 2010: Referred to conference committee meeting
April 23, 2010: Amended by conference committee
April 27, 2010: Passed final reading in House and Senate
May 3, 2010: Transmitted to governor
July 7, 2010: Passed into law without signature