If you're new to bottle bills or have some questions, these resources will help you gain understanding, from how bottle bills work to what makes them so effective.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has led some states to temporarily halt enforcement actions on retailers who are suspending bottle & can redemption during the pandemic. Generally speaking, these announcements do not affect redemption centers, who are free to close their doors in the interests of safety if they so choose. For more details about specific states, please click here.
Bottle bills work!
Bottle bills (also known as container deposit laws) are a proven, sustainable method of capturing beverage bottles and cans for recycling. The refund value of the container (usually 5 or 10 cents) provides a monetary incentive to return the container for recycling.
Supply recyclable materials for a high-demand market
Bottle bills (also known as container deposit laws) are a proven, sustainable method of capturing beverage bottles and cans for recycling. The refund value of the container (usually 5 or 10 cents) provides a monetary incentive to return the container for recycling.
Supply recyclable materials for a high-demand market