Original Law 2010 Amendment Current Law
Law Summary Israel Deposit Law on Beverage Containers   Israel Deposit Law on Beverage Containers
Date Implemented October 1, 2001 February 9, 2010  
Containers Covered Over 100mL and under 1.5L, excludes paper & cardboard containers and plastic pouches Same containers covered by deposit, but manufacturers required to collect and recycle all containers Deposit on containers over 100mL and under 1.5L, excludes paper & cardboard containers and plastic pouches. Manufacturers required to collect and recycle all containers
Beverages Covered All beverages   All beverages
Refundable Deposits 25 agorot (as of October 2008, about 7 US cents) increased to 30 agorot 30 agorot
Fees / Taxes None   None
Reclamation System Return to retail   Return to retail
Unclaimed Deposits Retained by Drink Containers Collection Corporation Ltd.   Retained by Drink Containers Collection Corporation Ltd.
Program Success 65% of beverage containers sold were returned in 2006. 66.1% return rate in 2008 66.1% return rate in 2008