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Austria has two laws dealing with beverage container recycling. One, to insure the success of the refillables system, put a deposit on refillable bottles. The other set target recycling rates for beverage containers to be achieved by 2000.

1990 Order Concerning Refillable Plastic Bottles

Law Summary Requires deposits on refillable PET bottles. (Non-refillable plastic containers are exempt.)
Date Implemented August 7, 1990
Containers Covered Refillable PET bottles.
Beverages Covered Beverages in refillable PET bottles
Refundable Deposits 40¢ deposit per PET container.
Fees / Taxes

Voluntary recycling fee of U.S. $0.02 - $0.08 on one-way containers
Program Success

Refillable Containers comprise the following percentages of market share:

  • Beer 95%
  • Mineral Water 95%
  • Soft drinks 62%
  • Wine 20%

Non refillables are recovered at the following rates:

  • Cans 60%
  • One-way PET 30%

1992 Federal Order for the Establishment of Goals for the Reduction and Recovery of Waste from Beverage Container Packaging and Related Packaging

Law Summary Sets recycling/reuse targets for beverage containers to be achieved by January 1, 2000.
Date Implemented October 9, 1992
Containers Covered unknown
Beverages Covered The recycling target requirements apply to beer, soft drinks, mineral water, fruit juice and fruit drinks.
Updated February 2, 2008