The 2014 deposit bill

Bill Number and Name SB394, Statewide Container Recycling Refund Program Bill text
Primary Sponsor Senator Frosh
Beverages Covered Beer and malt, carbonated and noncarbonated soft drinks, juice, water, tea, and coffee. Excludes syrup, drugs, supplements, dairy drinks, wine, spirits.
Containers Covered Sealed glass, metal, plastic cans and bottles, 6-101.5 fl. oz..
Excludes refillable containers
Handling Fees
Other Fees / Taxes None
Reclamation System Redemption centers
Unredeemed Deposits Property of the state (Container Recycling Refund Program Fund)


Beverage distributors are required to register with the Department of the Environment.

Redemption centers must be established based on county-set convenience zones.

Distributors initiate the deposit by paying it to the comptroller the month after the initial sale. Retailers are required to pay the deposit to the distributor upon sale to the retailer. Consumers pay the deposit to the retailer at the point of sale.

Consumers return empties to redemption centers for a refund. At least one redemption center must exist within each convenience zone. Redemption centers must ensure that containers are recycled by recycling facilities.

Establishes conditions under which redemption centers can refuse to pay the refund, maximum limits on number of containers a consumer can redeem per day.

Redemption centers are paid by the comptroller the refund value of every container they accept, plus a handling fee of 1¢, on a monthly basis.

Establishes the Container Recycling Refund Program Fund, for paying handling fees and refunds, administering the program, funding other state recycling and environmental programs.


The bill was read in the Finance and Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs committee, but was allowed to die in committee without a vote.

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Updated February 4, 2015