2013 Rhode Island Marine Debris Reduction Act

A bill for Packaging extended producer responsibility has been introduced in the Rhode Island House. The bill number is H5264, introduced on January 29th, 2013 by Representative Donna M. Walsh (D-Dist 36).

Bill Number and Name H 5264 Bill text
Sponsors Representatives Walsh, Tanzi, Ruggiero, Handy, and Valencia
Types of Packaging Covered All materials used for the containment, protection, handing, delivery, and presentation of goods sold or delivered.
Summary Requires producers to take responsibility for the recycling of the packaging they introduce
Goals 80% recycling rate by 2020
Fees / Taxes None


Producers of packaging are required to develop their own program, public education plan, and funding source for the collection and recycling of their packaging from consumers.

The bill sets a target recycling rate of 80% for all packaging materials by 2020. Recycling, in this bill, does not encompass waste-to-energy or conversion into fuel. The materials recycled must be used as "material input."

A specific plan for achieving the target recycling rate must be made for every material the producer produces.

Producers must also work with groups that conduct beach and marine debris cleanups, to gather specific information on how packaging materials become marine debris and how this kind of waste can be reduced.

Producers must submit reports to the state detailing how much packaging they create or import and how much is recycled.

Producers who fail to achieve the 80% target recycling rate for any given material must submit a fine to the state, which will be used to finance grant programs to increase the recycling of that material.


February 6, 2013: Introduced, referred to House Environment and Natural Resources

At an April 4 Committee hearing, the committee recommended measure be held for further study. That was the last heard from this bill as of September 14.

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