Michigan 2013 legislation

Two Bills were introduced in Michigan in 2013: One to expand the beverage types covered by the deposit, and one to establish penalties for fraudulent redemption.

The 2013 Expansion Bill

Bill Number and Name HB 4198, SB 0432 Bill text

Representatives Sean McCann - (primary)
Jeff Irwin, George T. Darany, Ellen Cogen Lipton,

Senator Rebekah Warren

Beverages Covered Expanded to include all nonalcoholic drinks (except plain rice milk, plain soy milk, and dairy drinks)
Containers Covered Excludes aseptic containers for nonalcoholic beverages*


The major change specified by this expansion bill is to expand the containers covered to include noncarbonated soft drinks.

*A passage within the bill seems to serve the intention of excepting aseptic packaging for nonalcoholic beverages from the deposit:

(b) "Beverage container" means an 1 of the following: (i) An airtight metal, glass, paper, or plastic container, or a container composed of a combination of these materials, which , at the time of sale , contains 1 gallon or less of a beverage other than a nonalcoholic beverage. (ii) An airtight metal, glass, or plastic container which at the time of sale contains 1 gallon or less of a nonalcoholic beverage other than a container composed in whole or in part of aluminum and plastic or aluminum and paper in combination if the aluminum content represents 10% or less of the unfilled container weight and the unfilled container weight is 5% or less of the filled container weight.  

Other minor changes are also proposed to the existing legislation, mainly to clarify meanings and simplify the writing. The Senate bill and House bill are almost identical but for a few variations in wording.


February 6, 2013: House bill introduced and referred to Committee on Regulatory Reform

June 13, 2013: Senate bill introduced and referred to Committee On Natural Resources, Environment And Great Lakes

Track House bill Track Senate bill

The 2013 Anti-fraud Bill

Bill Number and Name House Bill 5041 Bill text
Sponsors Kenneth Kurtz


Michigan's existing deposit law enumerates a tiered system of penalties for fraudulent redemption, applying to individuals, dealers, distributors, and their employees. This bill makes only one small change in language, to make it clear that the penalties apply not only to people who actually redeem nonreturnable containers, but also to people who attempt to do so.


January 22, 2013 Introduced and referred to Committee on Regulatory Reform

The last reported action on this bill was its second reading on February 26.

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