Oklahoma 2011 Bills

Two bills related to beverage container refunds were introduced in 2011. The first is a bill for a deposit law; the second is a bill for a task force to study a deposit law.

The 2011 Deposit Bill

Bill Number and Name Senate Bill 140 Bill text
Primary Sponsor Jim Wilson
Beverages Covered All non-alcoholic beverages as well as beer, ale and other malt beverages
Containers Covered Airtight, aluminum, nonaluminous or plastic single-serving size container of a beverage (under 64 oz).
Handling Fees 20% of the deposit, paid by distributor to redemption center or dealer
Other Fees / Taxes  
Reclamation System Return to retail or redemption center
Unredeemed Deposits Held in Bottle Recycling Deposit Fund for legislative appropriation


A unique provision of the Oklahoma bill is that which prohibits people under the age of 21 from returning alcoholic beverage containers to a store that sells them.

Distributors may set their own deposit values, but they must be at least 5¢.

Dealers with a redemption center in their "vicinity" may refuse to accept containers for redemption. Broken and unclean containers may also be refused. Dealers and redemption centers may enforce a daily limit of 120 containers per person.

Provisions of the law also require travel brochures and other tourism publications to include an anti-littering message and information about the deposit law. Public educational materials distributed to elementary school and secondary schools must also bear these messages.

The bill prohibits the sale of beverages in containers with detachable metal parts as well as containers held together by plastic rings or other materials that are not biodegradable, photodegradable, or recyclable. Non-recyclable glass containers are also prohibited.

The bill establishes the “Oklahoma Bottle Recycling Deposit Fund," where deposits shall be collected and from which reimbursements shall be paid. Unredeemed deposits are available for legislative appropriation.

The bill establishes fines for violation with the law.


February 7, 2011: Introduced

February 8, 2011: Second reading, referred to Energy Committee then to Finance Committee

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Senator Jim Wilson
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Rm. 533C
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
(405) 521-5574
[email protected]


The 2011 Task Force Bill

Bill Number and Name House Bill 1241 Bill text
Sponsors McCullough


This bill creates the “Oklahoma Beverage Container Recycling Task Force”. The purpose of the Task Force shall be to study the impact of a beverage container recycling program in Oklahoma. The task force is to consist of 9 appointees, including legislators, environmental officials, recyclers, and grocery and beverage representatives.

The task force is required to complete its study by December 31, 2011.

The bill declares a state of emergency so that the bill will be in effect immediately after its passage.


February 7, 2011: First reading

February 8, 2011: Second reading, referred to rules

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