2011 Minnesota Deposit-refund bill

Bill Number and Name HF 1494 / SF 1206 Bill text
Sponsors Representative Hortman / Senators Sieben, Marty
Beverages Covered All beverages in liquid form, excluding milk
Containers Covered Metal, glass, plastic, or combination, up to 3L
Deposits 10¢
Handling Fees 1 or 2¢, depending on the type of business receiving the fee
Other Fees / Taxes Annual registration fee, paid by manufacturers to state
Reclamation System Return to retailers and approved refund centers
Unredeemed Deposits 90% go to state environmental fund, 10% divided among counties for waste management


Deposits Effective January 1, 2012

Manufacturers must register with the Pollution Control Agency and pay a fee every year. The first year, the manufacturer must pay $3 per 10,000 containers sold, and after that, $1 per 10,000 containers.

Creates a beverage container recycling account where fees and penalty payments are deposited. Manufacturers initiate the deposit by paying the deposit and a 2¢ handling fee into this fund for every container sold. This handling fee is returned to retailers and refund centers. However, "large general merchandise stores" only receive a 1¢ handlig fee.

One unique provision of the bill is that "A retailer must ensure that the process of redeeming empty beverage containers is no more time-consuming and no less efficient than making a retail purchase at the retailer's store."

Finally, the bill specifies a number of reporting duties that various entities must attend to, as well as the penalties for violating the law.


April 14, 2011: House bill introduced and referred to Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance 

April 18, 2011: Senate bill introduced and referred to Environment and Natural Resources 

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