The 2011 Campaign

Northern Territory's container deposit system and plastic bag ban was passed by Parliament on February 24th, making it the first container deposit law to be passed in 2011.

Bill Number and Name Environment Protection (Beverage Containers and Plastic Bags) Bill 2010. Serial No.: 136 Bill text
Primary Sponsor Mr HAMPTON
Beverages Covered Flavored milks and fruit juices (less than 1L);
Vitamin drinks, Soft drinks, Water – still and sparkling, Sport drinks, Iced teas, Beer / ales / stouts / cider, Alcoholic sodas, Spirit-based beverages, Some wine-based beverages (up to 3L)
Containers Covered All approved containers of the size and contents listed above
Deposits 10¢
Handling Fees Collection depots may be compensated for "reasonable costs" related to handling the containers by the CDS coordinator to whom they deliver the container.
Other Fees / Taxes  
Reclamation System Approved Collection Depots
Unredeemed Deposits  



Under this bill, no beverage container may be sold in the state unless it is approved.

A transcript of the sponsor's testimony upon introduction of the bill is available in the NT Parliamentary Record. Key points of Mr. Hampton's speech included:

The proposed deposit system is known as Cash for Containers, and has enjoyed much popularity among the citizens of Northern Territory, prompting an industry campaign against the bill.

In addition to setting up a container deposit system, this bill would also ban single-use plastic bags.

The bill was passed by the Legislative Assembly on February 24. According to the Territory Government, the program will commence in late 2011.


November 25, 2010: Introduced to Parliament

February 24, 2011: Passed


Cash for Containers
Phone: +61 8 8924 4141
Fax: +61 8 8924 4053
Email: [email protected]


Information used in this page came from the following sources:

1. Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport. "Container Deposit Scheme - Cash for Containers." Northern Territory Government Website. Accessed February 19, 2011

2. Mr. Hampton (transcript). "Full Text Transcript - 11/25/2010: Section on ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION (BEVERAGE CONTAINERS AND PLASTIC BAGS) BILL (Serial 136)." LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY. 84EBFB12D62C2F9C6925781E00019262?opendocument. November 25, 2010. Accessed February 19, 2011