The 2010 Louisiana Campaign

A Louisiana representative introduced a deposit bill in March of 2010, but it was abandoned in May before we ever heard about it.
Bill Number and Name House Bill 760 Bill text
Primary Sponsor Eddie J. Lambert (R)
Beverages Covered Carbonated soft drinks, beer, and malt drinks, mixed wine and spirits
Containers Covered Sealed metal, plastic, and glass containers under 70 ounces
Deposits 10¢
Handling Fees Under 32 oz: 2¢
32 oz. and up: 4¢
Paid by distributors to retailers/redemption centers
Reclamation System Return to retail or redemption centers
Unredeemed Deposits Retained by state



The bill also forbids the sale of containers with parts that detach on opening the container, and also forbids the sale of containers held together with plastic devices (e.g. six-pack rings).


March 17, 2010: Prefiled and provisionally referred to Committee on Natural Resources and Environment.

March 29, 2010: First reading and officially referred to Committee on Natural Resources and Environment.

June 21, 2010: Died in committee without vote