The 2009 Indiana Campaign

Indiana's introduced bottle legislation would put a 10¢ deposit on beverage containers beginning in 2010.
Bill Number and Name HB 1570 Bill text
Primary Sponsor Rep. Vern Tincher, D-Terre Haute
Beverages Covered Sodas, waters, beer and malt, mixed wine & spirits, and tea
Containers Covered Sealed containers of metal, glass, plastic, or a combination, up to 1 gallon
Deposits 10¢
Handling Fees A portion of unredeemed deposits are returned to retailers.
Other Fees / Taxes None
Reclamation System Return to retail or redemption center
Unredeemed Deposits Returned to the state, to fund the program. 25% of these funds go back to retailers, 2% reserved for administrative costs. The remainder is transferred to Indiana heritage trust fund.



Under this bill, retailers must accept returns, even if a redemption center also exists nearby.


January 16, 2009: Introduced and referred to Committee on Environmental Affairs

February 25, 2009: Died in committee without a hearing