The 2008 New Hampshire Campaign

A little-publicized bottle bill was introduced in New Hampshire in 2008, but met a quick demise.
Bill Number and Name HB 1621 Bill text
Primary Sponsor Rep. Hall, Hills 5; Rep. Estes, Graf 7
Containers Covered All single-use, sealed containers of glass, non-aluminum metal, or plastic, up to 2 liters
Beverages Covered Any ready-to-drink beverage
Handling Fees 2% of the refund value, paid by state to redemption center with unclaimed deposit funds
Reclamation System Return to redemption centers
Unredeemed Deposits Kept by state in beverage container litter reduction fund for litter reduction and recycling programs


January 2, 2008: Introduced in House and referred to Environment and Agriculture Committee

January 30, 2008: Committee reported bill inexpedient to legislate

February 6, 2008: Bill was formally voted inexpedient to legislate.