The 2008 Maryland Campaign

After 2007's push for a bottle bill, Maryland is proposing a feasibility study for future deposit legislation. The bills containing the proposal are HB 509 and SB 336.

Bill Number and Name HB509 and SB336, Task Force to Study Required Deposits on Returnable Beverage Containers Bill text
Primary Sponsor Delegate Peter Hammen, Dist. 46
Senator Jamie Raskin, Dist 20
Provisions of Bill This bill sets up a task force consisting of delegates, senators, and county recycling officials. The task force will study bottle bills in other states to form conclusions about the feasibility and best design of a container deposit law in Maryland. The task force is set to conduct its work from June 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008.


Feb. 29, 2008: HB 509 had a hearing, and according to Phil Lee, it went well. It had gained the support of Baltimore City and Maryland Association
of Counties (MACo), which had opposed the bottle bill in 2007. It seems likely that the committee will vote to convene the task force.

March 12, 2008: SB336 was reported unfavorable by Education Health and Environmental Affairs Committee

March 20, 2008: HB509 was reported unfavorable by the Environmental Matters Committee


Phil Lee
[email protected]
(410) 563-7300

Maryland CURB (Citizens Using Resources Better)
[email protected]