Midweek News
The Henriques Family, long-time Windward residents, have owned and operated Rolloffs Hawaii for over 26years in Hawaii, offering refuse removal and recycling services.
With the passage of the Bottle Redemption Bill, Rolloffs Hawaii through its recycling division, RRR Recycling Services Hawaii, will be expanding operations to open additional redemption avenues for Hawaii’s residents.
This division will be headed by Dominic Henriques. Having lived in Oregon, while obtaining his B.Sc. Degree in Environmental Services, Dominic had first hand experience with bottle redemption and mandatory recycling. While realizing any new venture will require a great deal of work and capitol outlay, the Henriques’ family, living in Hawaii for generations, believes the bottle bill will aid in reducing litter while saving our natural resources. The company motto is “It’s A Small Island....Recycle.”
After traveling to various states with established bottle bills, and noticing the popularity of Reverse Vending Machines (RVM’s) at most major retail stores, Rolloffs Hawaii partnered with ENVIPCO, a leader in the manufacture and servicing of RVM’s worldwide. ENVIPCO believes the consumer prefers to redeem their beverage containers at the store where they purchased them and redemption through machiens is available 24 hours a day. During the past several months, ENVIPCO has contacted all major retail establishments, including the military in Hawaii, offering the sale or lease and servicing of RVM’s. They currently have an inventory of 60 RVM’s on Oahu, available for immediate delivery to any site on the island.
RVM’s work on the same principle of an ATM machine. Acceptable beverage containers are placed in the machine, which is similiar to a soda vending machine, and a receipt is printed. If placed at a retail store, the receipt can be redeemed in the store for as credit toward purchases or for cash. An accurate accounting is done through the machines internal computer. Kids take pleasure in watching the machine gobble up bottles, cans and plastic. Recycling becomes a fun event.
The company has built a unique and innovative recycling truck called the Mobile Redemption Center (MRC). The truck is equipped with 6 ENVIPCO Reverse Vending Machines and can be driven to sites islandwide. It’s a great fundraising concept for schools, churches, non-profits and large events. The truck will be driven to sites, free of charge, and the public can donate proceeds from their redeemed containers to the various organizations. Reservations are being taken by the company at 845-9313 or 841-9119.
A pay back program is also being offered to restaurants, bars and lounges. Recycling bins will be provided free of charge to these establishments to segregate on site for deposit and non-deposit containers allowing them to receive cash credits.
Rolloffs Hawaii’s State Certified Redemption Sites currently include:
Sand Island – 1020 Ulupono St.
Campbell Industrial – 91-165 Kalaeloa Blvd.
Mobile Site - Kaneohe 45-090 Kamehameha Hwy (next to Jack In the Box) Open Sundays 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. beginning Jan. 2, 2005