Australia: New South Wales

The ongoing bottle bill campaign

The campaign to introduce CDL in New South Wales (NSW) has been active for many years. Local councils throughout the state, both in rural and urban areas, have long called upon the State Government to introduce the law. The Local Government and Shires Associations of NSW, their representative group, continues to lobby strongly on their behalf. And community, environment, and consumer organisations have long supported CDL. A summary of the Associations' position and research can be found here.

The Associations are also members of the Boomerang Alliance, a consortium of environmental and local government groups who are lobbying for CDL across Australia. Currently, South Australia is the only state with a deposit law.

There is also a healthy campaign to introduce deposit legislation in Western Australia. While the Bottle Bill Resource Guide does not presently have a page for this campaign, some links are available here.


Extended Producer Responsibility Forum - Sept. 2006

The EPR Forum, held by the Associations, included presentations by Bill Sheehan and Helen Spiegelman from the Product Policy Institute. To access the presentations, click here and scroll down to "Extended Producer Responsibility  (EPR) Forum".

Independent Review of Container Deposit Legislation in New South Wales - Feb. 2002

The NSW State Government commissioned a report into container deposits which was conducted by the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) in 2001. A copy of the report can be accessed on the ISF’s website here.

Beyond Recycling

The Local Government and Shires Associations commissioned a two-part report, “Beyond Recycling” (prepared by ISF), which provides a detailed background of the provision of recycling and advises councils regarding the way in which their decisions about what to collect, and how to collect it, can be based on the principles of ESD. Part A and Part B can be downloaded, as well as a flier for use by councils to advise their communities.



Robert Verhey
Strategy Manager, Environment
Local Government Association of NSW and Shires Association of NSW
GPO Box 7003 Sydney NSW 2001
Ph: 02 92424080
[email protected]

Updated June 15, 2008