HB 5486
Bill Number and Name | HB 5486 |
Primary Sponsor | Rep. Jon Hoadley |
1/30/2018 introduced by Representative Jon Hoadley
Proposed Changes/Summary
It would place a deposit on most non-carbonated beverages (except milk and dairy substitutes).
Deposits and Fees
- Remains unchanged
Redemption System
- Remains unchanged
HB 6532
Bill Number and Name | HB 6532 |
Primary Sponsors | Rep. Jim Lilly & Rep. Joseph Bellino |
November 27, 2018, Introduced by Reps. Lilly, Bellino, Rendon, LaFave and Cole and referred to the Committee on Michigan Competitiveness.
Proposed Changes/Summary
Would repeal the Michigan container deposit law effective Dec. 30, 2022.
CRI Activity
Dec. 5, 2018 CRI letter opposing repeal of deposit law.
HB 6533
Bill Number and Name | HB 6533 |
Primary Sponsors | Rep. Joseph Bellino |
November 27, 2018, Introduced by Rep. Bellino and referred to the Committee on Michigan Competitiveness.
Proposed Changes/Summary
Would repeal 2008 PA 388, entitled "Beverage container redemption antifraud act," (MCL 445.631 to 445.643). Contingent upon passage of companion bills 6532, 6534, 6355, and 6536.
HB 6534
Bill Number and Name | HB 6534 |
Primary Sponsors | Rep. Beau LaFave |
November 27, 2018, Introduced by Rep. LaFave and referred to the Committee on Michigan Competitivenes
Proposed Changes/Summary
Would repeal 2008 PA 387, entitled "Reverse vending machine antifraud act," (MCL 445.651 to 445.669). Contingent upon passage of companion bills 6532, 6533, 6355, and 6536.
HB 6535
Bill Number and Name | HB 6535 |
Primary Sponsors | Rep. Triston Cole |
November 27, 2018, Introduced by Rep. Cole and referred to the Committee on Michigan Competitiveness.
Proposed Changes/Summary
Would amend 1998 PA 58, entitled "Michigan liquor control code of 1998," by amending section 1029 (MCL 436.2029), as added by 2010 PA 175. Contingent upon passage of companion bills 6532, 6533, 6354, and 6536
HB 6536
Bill Number and Name | HB 6536 |
Primary Sponsors | Rep. Daire Rendon |
November 27, 2018, Introduced by Rep. Rendon and referred to the Committee on Michigan Competitiveness.
Proposed Changes/Summary
Would amend A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled "Natural resources and environmental protection act," by amending section 17501 (MCL 324.17501), as added by 2016 PA 55.Contingent upon passage of companion bills 6532, 6533, 6354, and 6535.