Legislative Document 1204
Bill Number and Name | The 2015 Partial Repeal Bill - Legislative Document 1204 |
Primary Sponsor | Senator Cushing |
4/02/2015 Introduced.
4/02/2015 Referred to Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (S)
Referred to Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (H)
4/23/2015 Public Hearing
4/27/2015 Work Session
5/14/2015 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD) (S)
Beverages Covered
Under the current program bottles, can, jars or other containers made of glass, metal, or plastic that are 4 liters or less are accepted. The proposed law would eliminate containers of 32 ounces or greater from the container deposit law.
Deposits and Fees
- No deposit to be charged on 32 ounces or more on and after December 1, 2016.
- Manufacturers and distributors of bottles 32 ounces or greater in capacity are required to pay a fee, beginning December 1, 2016 and ending December 1, 2022, at the rate of half a cent per beverage container delivered for sale or distribution during any month in order to provide revenue to the fund.
Redemption System
- Remains unchanged
- No penalties
The bill proposes eliminating the redeemable amount and putting a small portion of the deposit into a fund to increase recycling. The Maine Recycling Fund would generate revenue by charging distributors a half-cent for every 32 ounce or larger soda bottle they sell.
Legislative Document 947
Bill Number and Name | Legislative Document 947: An Act To Fund State Efforts To Reduce the Landfilling of Solid Waste |
Primary Sponsor | Representatives Chipman |
3/17/2015 Referred to Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (H)
3/18/2015 On motion by Senator Saviello, Referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources. (S)
5/14/2015 Pursuant to Joint Rule 310.3 Placed in Legislative Files (DEAD)
Summary of Concept Draft
This bill proposes to establish the Maine Solid Waste Reduction Fund and the Maine Solid Waste Reduction Program, administered by the Department of Environmental Protection, to provide grants to assist municipalities in the diversion of solid waste from disposal at solid waste landfills through equipment or infrastructure purchases or the establishment of programs to reduce the need for waste disposal. The bill provides funding for this fund and program through the elimination of certain exemptions.