
The 2014 Indiana Recycling Bill

Indiana House Bill 1183 establishes a state recycling  goal of 50% by 2019 and requires recyclers to submit an annual report to the state regarding its recycling activity.
Bill Number and Name House Bill 1183 Bill text [pdf]
Primary Sponsor Sen. Ed Charbonneau, Sen. Mark Stoops, Sen. Douglas Eckerty


Indiana House Bill 1183 establishes a state recycling  goal of 50% by 2019 and requires recyclers to submit an annual report to the state regarding its recycling activity.

Under this bill, an unspecified study committee is assigned the task of writing a report analyzing how policies, landfilling alternatives, and different entities (waste management districts, the recycling market development board, solid waste management fund), could increase the state's recycling rate. The report is to be produced by November 1, 2014.


Businesses in Indiana that use discarded materials such as glass in their products urged lawmakers to pass the Bill. The measure unanimously passed in the Indiana House of Representatives and the Senate Environmental Affairs Committee, where it was unanimously approved in the Senate on March 5, 2014 and signed into Public Law 126 on March 25, 2014.

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Updated July 31, 2014