- The Sinking of the Bottle Bill (Report on opposition campaign contributions), 2005
- Introductory web site
- Full report [pdf,304kb]
Statements/ Persuasive tools
- Updating the Bottle Bill [PDF,752kb] March 2007
- An Opportunity to Make the Bottle Bill Better (on proposed solid waste management plan) [PDF,103kb] August 2006
- CRI's Testimony before the Environmental Committee, [PDF,132kb] March 2004
- Save Connecticut's Bottle Bill [PDF,574kb] April 2003
- CRI's Testimony before the Environmental Committee [PDF,226kb] March 2003
Bill Number and Name | SB996 |
Primary Sponsor | Environment Committee |
5/24/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate
5/24/2017 No New File by Committee on Appropriations
5/24/2017 (LCO) Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
5/24/2017 (LCO) Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
5/24/2017 (APP) Joint Favorable
5/17/2017 Referred by Senate to Committee on Appropriations
4/4/2017 (LCO) File Number 417
4/4/2017 Senate Calendar Number 212
4/4/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate
4/4/2017 (LCO) Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/29/2017 (LCO) Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 04/03/17 5:00 PM
3/23/2017 (LCO) Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/22/2017 (ENV) Joint Favorable Substitute
3/9/2017 Public Hearing 03/13
3/8/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
- Would repeal the bottle bill and replace it with a non-refundable, 4¢ recycling fee
Bill Number and Name | HB5618 |
Primary Sponsor | Environment Committee |
4/4/2017 (LCO) File Number 383
4/4/2017 House Calendar Number 278
4/4/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
4/4/2017 (LCO) Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/29/2017 (LCO) Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 04/03/17 5:00 PM
3/23/2017 (LCO) Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/22/2017 (ENV) Joint Favorable
3/9/2017 Public Hearing 03/13
3/8/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
3/7/2017 Drafted by Committee
2/8/2017 (ENV) Vote to Draft
1/13/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
- Would increase handling fees for redemption centers
Bill Number and Name | SB995 |
Primary Sponsor | Environment Committee |
4/10/2017 (LCO) File Number 484
4/10/2017 Senate Calendar Number 269
4/10/2017 Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, Senate
4/10/2017 (LCO) Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office
4/3/2017 (LCO) Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis 04/10/17 10:00 AM
3/23/2017 (LCO) Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
3/22/2017 (ENV) Joint Favorable Substitute
3/20/2017 (ENV) Vote to Hold Until Next Meeting
3/9/2017 Public Hearing 03/13
3/8/2017 Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
- Marine debris bill: would repeal existing bottle bill and replace it with deposit on almost all beverage containers and caps.