Photo by Wikimedia user Ragesoss
- The Sinking of the Bottle Bill (Report on opposition campaign contributions), 2005
- Introductory web site
- Full report [pdf,304kb]
Statements/ Persuasive tools
- Updating the Bottle Bill [PDF,752kb] March 2007
- An Opportunity to Make the Bottle Bill Better (on proposed solid waste management plan) [PDF,103kb] August 2006
- CRI's Testimony before the Environmental Committee, [PDF,132kb] March 2004
- Save Connecticut's Bottle Bill [PDF,574kb] April 2003
- CRI's Testimony before the Environmental Committee [PDF,226kb] March 2003
Connecticut Senate Bill 312
Bill Number and Name | Connecticut Senate Bill 312 - Study Bill to Possibly Eliminate the Existing Container Deposit Law |
Primary Sponsor | House of Representatives General Law Committee |
Beverages Covered | No change – study bill |
Senate Committee on Environment took no action – Bill died in committee
04/19/2016 Senate Adopted Senate Amendment Schedule A 4085; referred by Senate to Committee on Environment
03/32/2016 Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office; favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar Number 161 File Number 172
03/17/2016 Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis
03/11/2016 Joint Favorable; filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office
03/04/2016 Public Hearing 03/08
02/25/2016 Referred to Joint Committee on General Law
Deposits and Fees
- Deposit: $0.05 refundable deposit on each valid container (remains unchanged)
- Handling Fee: $0.02 – for all beverages except beer (remains unchanged)
Redemption System
- Unchanged
June 22, 2016