Iowa 2008 bill text


The following text was found at

                                       BY  BEALL, KIBBIE, FRAISE,
                                           DEARDEN, QUIRMBACH,
                                           SCHMITZ, CONNOLLY, and

    Passed Senate, Date               Passed House,  Date             
    Vote:  Ayes        Nays           Vote:  Ayes        Nays         

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to the recycling of empty beverage containers by
  2    increasing the reimbursement amount paid by distributors,
  3    eliminating refusal of empty containers by dealers,
  4    eliminating departmental approval of redemption centers, and
  5    establishing civil penalties.
  7 TLSB 5317SS 82
  8 tw/rj/5


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 455C.2, subsection 2, Code 2007, is
  1  2 amended to read as follows:
  1  3    2.  In addition to the refund value provided in subsection
  1  4 1 of this section, a dealer, or a person operating a
  1  5 redemption center who redeems empty beverage containers, or a
  1  6 dealer agent shall be reimbursed by the distributor required
  1  7 to accept the empty beverage containers an amount which is one
  1  8 cent in the amount of two cents per container.  A dealer,
  1  9 dealer agent, or person operating a redemption center may
  1 10 compact empty metal beverage containers with the approval of
  1 11 the distributor required to accept the containers.
  1 12    Sec. 2.  Section 455C.4, subsection 2, Code 2007, is
  1 13 amended by striking the subsection.
  1 14    Sec. 3.  Section 455C.7, Code 2007, is amended to read as
  1 15 follows:
  1 17    Any person may establish a redemption center which has not
  1 18 been approved by the department, at which a consumer may
  1 19 return empty beverage containers and receive payment of the
  1 20 refund value of the beverage containers.  The establishment of
  1 21 an unapproved a redemption center shall not relieve any dealer
  1 22 from the responsibility of redeeming any empty beverage
  1 23 containers of the kind and brand sold by the dealer.
  1 24    Sec. 4.  NEW SECTION.  455C.11  SCHEDULE OF PENALTIES ==
  1 26    1.  PENALTY ASSESSMENT.  The commission shall establish by
  1 27 rule a schedule for the administrative assessment of civil
  1 28 penalties.  The schedule shall provide procedures and criteria
  1 29 for assessing penalties of not more than ten thousand dollars
  1 30 for violations of this chapter or for violations of the rules,
  1 31 permits, or orders adopted or issued under this chapter.
  1 32 Violations not fitting within the schedule, or violations
  1 33 which the commission determines should be referred to the
  1 34 attorney general for legal action, shall not be governed by
  1 35 the schedule established under this subsection.  When adopting
  2  1 the schedule and when proposing or assessing a penalty, the
  2  2 commission and the director shall consider the following:
  2  3    a.  The costs saved, or likely to be saved, by a violator's
  2  4 noncompliance.
  2  5    b.  The gravity of the violation.
  2  6    c.  The degree of culpability of the violator.
  2  7    d.  The maximum penalty authorized for a violation of this
  2  8 chapter.
  2  9    e.  Other relevant factors.
  2 10    2.  SCREENING OF VIOLATIONS.  In establishing the schedule
  2 11 of violations, the commission shall provide by rule a
  2 12 procedure for screening alleged violations in order to
  2 13 determine which cases may be appropriate for the
  2 14 administrative assessment of penalties.  However, the
  2 15 screening procedure shall not limit the discretion of the
  2 16 commission to refer any case to the attorney general for legal
  2 17 action.
  2 18    3.  CONTESTED CASE HEARINGS.  Penalties may be
  2 19 administratively assessed under this section only after an
  2 20 opportunity for a contested case hearing.  The contested case
  2 21 hearing may be combined with a hearing on the merits of the
  2 22 alleged violation.
  2 23    4.  JUDICIAL REVIEW.  When a person against whom a penalty
  2 24 is assessed under this section seeks timely judicial review of
  2 25 an order imposing the penalty, as provided under chapter 17A,
  2 26 the order is not final for the purposes of this section until
  2 27 all judicial review processes are completed.  Additional
  2 28 judicial review shall not be sought after the order becomes
  2 29 final.
  2 31    a.  A penalty assessed under this section shall be paid
  2 32 within thirty days of the date the order assessing the penalty
  2 33 becomes final.
  2 34    b.  A person who fails to timely pay a penalty assessed by
  2 35 a final order of the department shall pay, in addition to the
  3  1 penalty, interest at the rate of one and one=half percent of
  3  2 the unpaid balance of the assessed penalty for each month, or
  3  3 part of a month, that the penalty remains unpaid.
  3  4    c.  The attorney general shall institute, at the request of
  3  5 the department, summary proceedings to recover the penalty and
  3  6 any accrued interest.
  3  7    d.  All penalties assessed by the department under this
  3  8 section and interest on the penalties shall be deposited in
  3  9 the general fund of the state.
  3 10    6.  This section does not require the commission or the
  3 11 director to pursue an administrative remedy before seeking a
  3 12 remedy in the courts of this state.
  3 13    Sec. 5.  Section 455C.12, Code 2007, is amended by adding
  3 14 the following new subsection:
  3 15    NEW SUBSECTION.  6.  The state shall be precluded from
  3 16 bringing a criminal action against a person under this chapter
  3 17 if the department has initiated a civil enforcement proceeding
  3 18 against the person pursuant to section 455C.11.
  3 19    Sec. 6.  Sections 455C.6 and 455C.10, Code 2007, are
  3 20 repealed.
  3 21                           EXPLANATION
  3 22    This bill relates to the recycling of empty beverage
  3 23 containers.
  3 24    The bill increases to 2 cents per container the amount
  3 25 received by a dealer or a person operating a redemption
  3 26 center.  The redemption amount, commonly referred to as a
  3 27 handling fee, is paid by the distributor who collects the
  3 28 beverage containers from the dealer or the operator of the
  3 29 redemption center.
  3 30    Under current law, a dealer may refuse to accept empty
  3 31 beverage containers if that dealer's place of business and the
  3 32 kind of containers are included in an order of the department
  3 33 of natural resources approving a redemption center.  The bill
  3 34 eliminates the ability of a dealer to refuse to accept
  3 35 containers in this instance.
  4  1    The bill eliminates the approval of redemption centers by
  4  2 the department and makes other related changes necessary to do
  4  3 so.
  4  4    The bill requires the department to establish a schedule of
  4  5 civil penalties and provides for the administrative assessment
  4  6 of penalties up to $10,000 for violations of the Code chapter
  4  7 or any rules, permits, or orders adopted or issued under it.
  4  8 Violations not fitting within the schedule, or violations
  4  9 referred to the attorney general, are not governed by the
  4 10 schedule.  The bill also provides factors to be considered in
  4 11 the adoption of the schedule.
  4 12    The bill requires the environmental protection commission
  4 13 to adopt by rule a screening procedure that determines which
  4 14 violations to refer to the attorney general and which
  4 15 violations are more appropriate for administrative assessment.
  4 16 The bill requires the department to provide a contested case
  4 17 hearing before assessing any penalties.  The bill also
  4 18 provides for judicial review of administrative penalties and
  4 19 requires the assessment of interest on penalties not timely
  4 20 paid.
  4 21    Finally, the bill precludes the department from seeking
  4 22 criminal penalties if it has initiated a civil enforcement
  4 23 proceeding under the Code chapter.
  4 24 LSB 5317SS 82
  4 25 tw/rj/5.1


This text was found at


    Passed House,  Date               Passed Senate, Date             
    Vote:  Ayes        Nays           Vote:  Ayes        Nays         

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to beverage container control by expanding the
  2    number of beverage containers covered, eliminating the
  3    requirement of distributors to collect and pay refund values,
  4    and making conforming changes.
  6 TLSB 6103HH 82
  7 tw/rj/5


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 123.24, subsection 5, Code 2007, is
  1  2 amended to read as follows:
  1  3    5.  Notwithstanding subsection 4, the division shall assess
  1  4 a bottle surcharge to be included in the price of alcoholic
  1  5 liquor in an amount sufficient, when added to the amount not
  1  6 refunded to class "E" liquor control licensees pursuant to
  1  7 section 455C.2, to pay the costs incurred by the division for
  1  8 collecting and properly disposing of the liquor containers.
  1  9 The amount collected pursuant to this subsection, in addition
  1 10 to any amounts not refunded to class "E" liquor control
  1 11 licensees pursuant to section 455C.2, shall be deposited in
  1 12 the beer and liquor control fund established under section
  1 13 123.53.
  1 14    Sec. 2.  Section 455B.313, subsection 1, Code 2007, is
  1 15 amended to read as follows:
  1 16    1.  A distributor as defined in section 455C.1, subsection
  1 17 9, shall not sell or offer to sell any beverage container if
  1 18 the beverage container is connected to another beverage
  1 19 container by a device constructed of a material which is not
  1 20 biodegradable or photodegradable.
  1 21    Sec. 3.  Section 455C.1, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2007,
  1 22 are amended by striking the subsections and inserting in lieu
  1 23 thereof the following:
  1 24    1.  "Beverage" means any liquid intended for human
  1 25 consumption and packaged in a beverage container for sale to
  1 26 consumers.  "Beverage" does not include the following:
  1 27    a.  A liquid typically ingested in very small quantities
  1 28 and consumed for medicinal purposes only.
  1 29    b.  A liquid designed to be consumed only as a nutritional
  1 30 supplement.
  1 31    c.  A product intended to be consumed, or packaged and sold
  1 32 to consumers or institutions, in a frozen state.
  1 33    d.  A powdered drink mix.
  1 34    e.  A soup or broth, including seafood, meat, or vegetable
  1 35 broth.
  2  1    f.  Farm=produced apple cider which has not been heated,
  2  2 pasteurized, or otherwise processed.
  2  3    g.  A liquid which is any of the following:
  2  4    (1)  A syrup.
  2  5    (2)  A concentrate.
  2  6    (3)  Typically added as a minor flavoring ingredient in
  2  7 food or drink, such as extracts, cooking additives, sauces, or
  2  8 condiments.
  2  9    h.  Milk or other primarily dairy=based drinks.
  2 10    2.  "Beverage container" means any container, filled and
  2 11 sealed by the manufacturer and containing a beverage, which is
  2 12 at least five and one=half fluid ounces or one hundred
  2 13 sixty=two milliliters but not more than sixty=eight fluid
  2 14 ounces or two liters in size.
  2 15    Sec. 4.  Section 455C.2, Code 2007, is amended to read as
  2 16 follows:
  2 17    455C.2  REFUND VALUES.
  2 18    1.  A refund value of not less than five ten cents shall be
  2 19 paid by the consumer on each beverage container sold in this
  2 20 state by a dealer for consumption off the premises.  Upon
  2 21 return of the empty beverage container upon which a refund
  2 22 value has been paid to the dealer or person operating a
  2 23 redemption center and acceptance of the empty beverage
  2 24 container by the dealer or person operating a redemption
  2 25 center, the dealer or person operating a redemption center
  2 26 shall return the amount of the refund value to the consumer.
  2 27 The dealer shall remit all refund values paid by a consumer to
  2 28 an approved redemption center serving the dealer pursuant to
  2 29 section 455C.6.  However, a dealer may operate its own
  2 30 approved redemption center, and if it does so, may retain the
  2 31 refund values.
  2 32    2.  In addition to the refund value provided in subsection
  2 33 1 of this section, a dealer, or person operating a redemption
  2 34 center who redeems empty beverage containers or a dealer agent
  2 35 shall be reimbursed by the distributor required to accept the
  3  1 empty beverage containers an amount which is one cent per
  3  2 container.  A dealer, dealer agent, or person operating a
  3  3 redemption center may compact empty metal beverage containers
  3  4 with the approval of the distributor required to accept the
  3  5 containers.
  3  6    Sec. 5.  Section 455C.3, Code 2007, is amended by striking
  3  7 the section and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
  3 10    1.  A dealer may refuse to accept an empty beverage
  3 11 container from a consumer if the dealer is served by an
  3 12 approved redemption center.  If a dealer is operating an
  3 13 approved redemption center, the dealer shall not refuse to
  3 14 accept an empty beverage container.
  3 15    2.  A person operating an approved redemption center shall
  3 16 not refuse to accept an empty beverage container from a
  3 17 consumer.
  3 18    3.  A person operating an approved redemption center may
  3 19 refuse to pay a refund value to the consumer for the empty
  3 20 beverage container if the refund value is not stated on the
  3 21 container as required pursuant to section 455C.5, or if the
  3 22 empty beverage container was purchased outside the state.
  3 23    4.  A distributor shall not be required to pay to a
  3 24 manufacturer, a dealer, a dealer agent, or a consumer a refund
  3 25 value on a nonrefillable beverage container.
  3 26    Sec. 6.  Section 455C.5, subsection 1, Code 2007, is
  3 27 amended to read as follows:
  3 28    1.  Each beverage container sold or offered for sale in
  3 29 this state by a dealer shall clearly indicate by embossing or
  3 30 by a stamp, label or other method securely affixed to the
  3 31 container by a manufacturer or distributor, the refund value
  3 32 of the container.  The department shall specify, by rule, the
  3 33 minimum size of the refund value indication on the beverage
  3 34 containers.
  3 35    Sec. 7.  Section 455C.6, subsections 2 and 3, Code 2007,
  4  1 are amended to read as follows:
  4  2    2.  An application for approval of a redemption center
  4  3 shall be filed with the department.  The application shall
  4  4 state the name and address of the person responsible for the
  4  5 establishment and operation of the redemption center, the kind
  4  6 and brand names of the beverage containers which will be
  4  7 accepted at the redemption center, and the names and addresses
  4  8 of the dealers to be served by the redemption center.  The
  4  9 application shall contain such other information as the
  4 10 director may reasonably require.
  4 11    3.  The department shall approve a redemption center if it
  4 12 finds that the redemption center will provide a convenient
  4 13 service to consumers for the return of empty beverage
  4 14 containers.  The order of the department approving a
  4 15 redemption center shall state the dealers to be served by the
  4 16 redemption center and the kind and brand names of empty
  4 17 beverage containers which the redemption center must accept.
  4 18 The order may contain such other provisions to insure that the
  4 19 redemption center will provide a convenient service to the
  4 20 public as the director may determine.
  4 21    Sec. 8.  Section 455C.12, Code 2007, is amended to read as
  4 22 follows:
  4 23    455C.12  PENALTIES.
  4 24    1.  Any person violating the provisions of section 455C.2,
  4 25 455C.3, 455C.5, and 455C.8, or a rule adopted under this
  4 26 chapter shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor.
  4 27    2.  A distributor who collects or attempts to collect a
  4 28 refund value on an empty beverage container when the
  4 29 distributor has paid the refund value on the container to a
  4 30 dealer, redemption center, or consumer is guilty of a
  4 31 fraudulent practice.
  4 32    3.  2.  Any person who does any of the following acts is
  4 33 guilty of a fraudulent practice:
  4 34    a.  Collects or attempts to collect the refund value on the
  4 35 container a second time, with the knowledge that the refund
  5  1 value has once been paid by the distributor to a dealer,
  5  2 redemption center or to a consumer.
  5  3    b.  Manufactures, sells, possesses or applies a false or
  5  4 counterfeit label or indication which shows or purports to
  5  5 show a refund value for a beverage container, with intent to
  5  6 use the false or counterfeit label or indication.
  5  7    c.  Collects or attempts to collect a refund value on a
  5  8 container with the use of a false or counterfeit label or
  5  9 indication showing a refund value, knowing the label or
  5 10 indication to be false or counterfeit.
  5 11    4.  3.  As used in this section, a false or counterfeit
  5 12 label or indication means a label or indication purporting to
  5 13 show a valid refund value which has not been initially applied
  5 14 as authorized by a distributor.
  5 15    5.  4.  Subsection 2 and subsection 3, paragraph "a" of
  5 16 this section have has no application to empty beverage
  5 17 containers which are intended to be refillable and are in a
  5 18 standard of condition except for sanitization to be refillable
  5 19 by the manufacturer.
  5 20    Sec. 9.  Section 455C.16, Code 2007, is amended to read as
  5 21 follows:
  5 24    Beginning July 1, 1990, the The final disposal of empty
  5 25 beverage containers by a dealer, distributor, or manufacturer,
  5 26 or person operating a redemption center, in a sanitary
  5 27 landfill, is prohibited.  Beginning September 1, 1992, the
  5 28 final disposal of beverage containers used to contain
  5 29 alcoholic liquor as defined in section 123.3, subsection 5, by
  5 30 a dealer, distributor, or manufacturer, or person operating a
  5 31 redemption center in a sanitary landfill, is prohibited.
  5 32    Sec. 10.  Sections 455C.4, 455C.7, 455C.13, and 455C.14,
  5 33 Code 2007, are repealed.
  5 34                           EXPLANATION
  5 35    This bill relates to the control of empty beverage
  6  1 containers and makes changes to Code chapter 455C, commonly
  6  2 referred to as the bottle bill.
  6  3    The bill expands the definitions of beverage and beverage
  6  4 container to require more beverage containers to carry refund
  6  5 values.
  6  6    The bill increases to 10 cents the refund value on beverage
  6  7 containers.  The refund value is currently 5 cents per
  6  8 beverage container.
  6  9    The bill makes significant changes to the way refund values
  6 10 are collected and empty beverage containers are accepted.
  6 11 Currently, distributors collect 5 cents on each container from
  6 12 dealers who in turn charge 5 cents to consumers.  Consumers
  6 13 who return the empty beverage containers are refunded the 5
  6 14 cents by the dealer who returns the empty beverage containers
  6 15 to the distributor and is also refunded the 5 cents.  Dealers,
  6 16 however, also receive an amount of 1 cent per container from
  6 17 the distributor, which is commonly referred to as the handling
  6 18 fee.
  6 19    The bill eliminates most of the requirements placed on
  6 20 distributors by the current law.  The bill requires dealers to
  6 21 collect the refund values from consumers and then remit the
  6 22 refund value to an approved redemption center.  Consumers
  6 23 return the empty beverage containers to the redemption center
  6 24 instead of the dealer and the redemption center pays them the
  6 25 refund value.  Distributors no longer have to collect or pay
  6 26 refund values, and they no longer have to accept the empty
  6 27 beverage containers from dealers.  Instead, the empty beverage
  6 28 containers will be disposed of by the redemption centers,
  6 29 typically for scrap value.
  6 30    The bill requires a redemption center to accept all empty
  6 31 beverage containers, but it does not require them to pay the
  6 32 refund value to the consumer if the container does not bear a
  6 33 refund value indication or if the container was purchased out
  6 34 of the state.
  6 35    Because not all empty beverage containers are returned by
  7  1 consumers, a certain number of refund values will go
  7  2 unclaimed.  The bill makes no provision for these moneys, but
  7  3 because all refund values collected by the dealers are
  7  4 remitted to redemption centers, it is the redemption centers
  7  5 that would keep the unclaimed refund values.
  7  6    The bill strikes or repeals a number of outdated provisions
  7  7 or provisions related to distributors that are no longer
  7  8 necessary given the changes made in the bill.
  7  9 LSB 6103HH 82
  7 10 tw/rj/5


This text was found at


                                       (SUCCESSOR TO HSB 734)

    Passed House, Date               Passed Senate,  Date             
    Vote:  Ayes        Nays           Vote:  Ayes        Nays         

                                      A BILL FOR

  1 An Act relating to the control of beverage containers by
  2    expanding the types of beverage containers covered and
  3    increasing the reimbursement amount paid to dealers.
  5 TLSB 5713HV 82
  6 tw/rj/14


  1  1    Section 1.  Section 455C.1, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2007,
  1  2 are amended by striking the subsections and inserting in lieu
  1  3 thereof the following:
  1  4    1.  "Beverage" means a liquid intended for human
  1  5 consumption and packaged in a beverage container for sale to
  1  6 consumers.  "Beverage" shall not include the following:
  1  7    a.  A liquid typically ingested in very small quantities
  1  8 and consumed for medicinal purposes only.
  1  9    b.  A liquid designed to be consumed only as a nutritional
  1 10 supplement.
  1 11    c.  A product intended to be consumed, or packaged and sold
  1 12 to consumers or institutions, in a frozen state.
  1 13    d.  A powdered drink mix.
  1 14    e.  A soup or broth, including seafood, meat, or vegetable
  1 15 broth.
  1 16    f.  Farm=produced apple cider which has not been heated,
  1 17 pasteurized, or otherwise processed.
  1 18    g.  A liquid which is any of the following:
  1 19    (1)  A syrup.
  1 20    (2)  A concentrate.
  1 21    (3)  Typically added as a minor flavoring ingredient in
  1 22 food or drink, such as extracts, cooking additives, sauces, or
  1 23 condiments.
  1 24    h.  Milk or other primarily dairy=based drinks.
  1 25    2.  "Beverage container" means a glass, plastic, or metal
  1 26 container, sealed by the manufacturer, containing a beverage
  1 27 of at least five and one=half fluid ounces or one hundred
  1 28 sixty=two milliliters but not more than sixty=eight fluid
  1 29 ounces or two liters in size.
  1 30    Sec. 2.  Section 455C.2, subsection 2, Code 2007, is
  1 31 amended to read as follows:
  1 32    2.  In addition to the refund value provided in subsection
  1 33 1 of this section, a dealer, or person operating a redemption
  1 34 center who redeems empty beverage containers or a dealer agent
  1 35 shall be reimbursed by the distributor required to accept the
  2  1 empty beverage containers an amount which is one cent two
  2  2 cents per container.  A dealer, dealer agent, or person
  2  3 operating a redemption center may compact empty metal beverage
  2  4 containers with the approval of the distributor required to
  2  5 accept the containers.
  2  6                           EXPLANATION
  2  7    This bill relates to the control of beverage containers.
  2  8    The bill increases the types of containers which require a
  2  9 refund value to include beverage containers such as bottled
  2 10 water and juice drinks.
  2 11    The bill also increases the reimbursement amount, commonly
  2 12 referred to as the handling fee, paid by distributors to
  2 13 dealers from 1 cent per beverage container to 2 cents per
  2 14 beverage container.
  2 15 LSB 5713HV 82
  2 16 tw/rj/14

Amendment H8091


     1  1    Amend House File 2537 as follows:
     1  2 #1.  Page 1, by striking line 24 and inserting the
     1  3 following:
     1  4    <h.  Milk or other primarily dairy=based drinks or
     1  5 drinks packaged or distributed by an entity primarily
     1  6 marketing dairy=based products including but not
     1  7 limited to fruit juices or drinks such as lemonade,
     1  8 orange juice, or apple juice.>
     1  9
     1 10
     1 11                               
     1 12 R. OLSON of Polk
     1 13 HF 2537.201 82
     1 14 tw/rj/20613


Updated March 12, 2008