Iowa 2007 bill text
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BY HEDDENS, SCHUELLER, SWAIM, HUNTER, BERRY, MERTZ, and BAUDLER Passed House, Date Passed Senate, Date Vote: Ayes Nays Vote: Ayes Nays Approved A BILL FOR 1 An Act increasing the reimbursement amount paid by distributors 2 to persons redeeming empty beverage containers. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 1444HH 82 5 tm/je/5 PAG LIN 1 1 Section 1. Section 455C.2, subsection 2, Code 2007, is 1 2 amended to read as follows: 1 3 2. In addition to the refund value provided in subsection 1 4 1 of this section, a dealer, or person operating a redemption 1 5 center who redeems empty beverage containers or a dealer agent 1 6 shall be reimbursed by the distributor required to accept the 1 7 empty beverage containers an amount which isone centtwo 1 8 cents per container. Beginning July 1, 2010, the 1 9 reimbursement amount shall be one cent per container. A 1 10 dealer, dealer agent, or person operating a redemption center 1 11 may compact empty metal beverage containers with the approval 1 12 of the distributor required to accept the containers. 1 13 EXPLANATION 1 14 This bill increases the reimbursement amount received by a 1 15 dealer or person operating a redemption center who redeems 1 16 empty beverage containers from 1 cent per container to 2 cents 1 17 per container. The reimbursement amount, commonly referred to 1 18 as a handling fee, is paid by the distributor who collects the 1 19 beverage containers from the dealer or person operating a 1 20 redemption center. The bill provides that, beginning July 1, 1 21 2010, the handling fee amount reverts to 1 cent per container. 1 22 LSB 1444HH 82 1 23 tm:rj/je/5
March 12, 2008