
- Australia Bottle Bill Campaigns in the News
- "Money for Empties" ABC radio program on deposits in Australia.
- 9 Reasons Why the Next WA Government Should Adopt a Container Deposit Scheme
The state of South Australia is the only Australian state with a bottle bill, or container deposit legislation, as it is most commonly known there. There are frequent campaigns for deposit laws in Australia's other states, as well as for a national deposit law. Links and information about these campaigns follow.
Nationwide Campaigns
A nationwide deposit scheme has been considered in the Australian Parliament. A Senate Inquiry into the Management of Australia's Waste Streams discusses the success of South Australia's CDL and indicates that a national bottle bill might find strong support.
New South Wales Campaign
The ongoing campaign to introduce deposit legislation in New South Wales is supported by a number of organizations. Click here for more details on deposit campaigns in NSW.
Tasmania Campaign
The Tasmanian Greens announced a commitment to introduce container deposit legislation in 2010. Unfortunately, in 2014 it was decided Tasmania would not move forward with container deposit legislation.
Queensland Campaign
The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) is leading an investigation into state-based options for a container deposit scheme (CDS) in Queensland. While the introduction of a container deposit scheme has significant community support as it can provide litter reduction and resource recovery benefits, there are also impacts and cost considerations.
Western Australia Campaign
While the Bottle Bill Resource Guide does not presently have a page for this campaign, some links are available below.
- The Boomerang Alliance, a strong advocate for Zero Waste in Australia, has a collection of documents about the campaign for deposit laws in WA on their website.
- BringItBack.org.au - the home of the campaign to introduce CDL in WA
- View a report supporting deposit legislation by Diageo, a leading beverage company in WA and worldwide [PDF]
Northern Territory Campaign
The Northern Territory government introduced a container-deposit and plastic-bag-ban bill in 2010, which was passed in 2011. More information about the Northern Territory campaign