Law Summary | The Product Control Act puts deposits on all packaging, to limit pollution and waste by encouraging the use of refillables |
Date Implemented | 1974 (new regulations applicable to beverage containers implemented January 1994) |
Containers Covered | All one-way beverage containers |
Beverages Covered | Beer, carbonated beverages, wine, liquor, and non-carbonated beverages. Excludes milk, milk products, vegetable juices and water |
Refundable Deposits |
Fees / Taxes | One-way beverage containers: tax of NOK 0,70. Product charge:
Program Success | Recovery/Redemption Rate as of 2012:
Recovery rates
Under the Product Control Act of 1974, a “Product Charge” (tax) was levied on all packaging including non-refillable beverage containers.
In 1993, new regulations were adopted whereby the amount of the tax on beverage containers is determined by the return (reuse, recycling) rate. The full product charge is applied to containers with return rates below 25%. Return rates between 25% and 95% are charged a tax that is inversely proportional to the return rate (the lower the return rate, the higher the tax). Containers reaching return rates above 95% are exempt from the tax. Incineration with energy recovery is accepted as a form of recycling, but only in cases where reuse and conventional recycling are not feasible.
In 1994, an additional tax of NOK 0,70 was imposed on all one-way beverage containers in addition to the product charge regardless of the return rate.
Members of Norsk Glassgjenvinning A/S pay a voluntary recycling fee of NOK 0,06 – NOK 0,15 for each glass container they sell. The glass is collected in special bins and recycled at a central location. As a result, members receive a 75% reduction in the product charge.
Refillables are exempt from the product tax if they reach a return rate above 95%. The amount of the voluntary deposit is set by industry and the State Pollution Authority deposit is set by industry and the State Pollution Authority jointly (see Amount of Deposit and Amount of tax, above).