
Name of program Beverage Container Regulation
Date Implemented Created in 1991, Last Updated 2009 by Environment Yukon
Beverages covered All beverages except milk and milk substitutes
Containers covered All beverage containers except milk
Amount of deposit Metal Plastic, TetraPak ≤ 1L : 10¢
Metal Plastic, TetraPak ≥ 1L : 35¢
Glass ≤ 1L : 10¢
Glass ≥ 1L : 35¢
Wine & Spirits ≤ 500mL : 10¢
Wine & Spirits ≥ 500mL : 35¢
Beer Cans & Bottles: 10¢
Fees or taxes None
Reclamation System Return-to-depot
Unredeemed Deposits Retained by the Government (Territory)
Handling Fees Paid to depots from Recycling Fund
Other fees Processing facilities receive processing fees, paid from Recycling Fund
Complementary Recycling Programs Recycling Fund Regulation (enacted
30 Sep 1992, enacted Environment Act)
Program Success Container collection rates[2]
Aluminum Cans :81%
Non‐Refillable Glass :87%
PET Bottles :96%
Other Plastics :64%
Bi‐Metal :53%
Gable/Tetra Pak :50%
Other : ­
TOTAL Non‐Refillables :76%
Refillable Beer :94% TOTAL CONTAINERS :78%


The beverage container regulation was enacted on October 8, 1992 by the Environment Act.[3]

Beverage containers are returned for refund to 22 registered recycling depots in Yukon. The containers are then shipped to one of two processors in the capital city of Whitehorse for processing; Raven Recycling and P&M Recycling.  Processors take ownership of the materials and are responsible for their sale to material brokers and recyclers.

Surcharges are applied to beverage containers upon import or manufacture in Yukon.  The importer or manufacturer pays the surcharge to the Recycling Fund, a revolving fund separate from general government revenue, and charges it back to their customer.  Consumers receive the refundable portion of the surcharge back when they return the container to any registered Yukon depot.

Surcharge money that is not paid out for returned containers is used to support related recycling activities. Recycling depots receive handling fees per container and also receive a monthly operating allowance. Both registered processors receive a processing fee for each container received from a community depot in addition to handling fees generated by their own depot operations. Depots and processors can apply to the Recycling Fund for grants to improve their facilities and for projects intended to improve recycling opportunities for Yukoners.

Freight fees are paid to depot operators who ship the recyclables themselves or are paid to a commercial company providing a freight service.

2016 Environmental Act

Beverage Container Description


Refundable Deposit

Milk (any size)


Beverages other than milk < 750mL


Beverages other than milk ≥ 750mL



Surplus funds are also used to promote recycling.  Environment Yukon developed a program aimed at encouraging recycling habits in Yukon children from 4 – 16 years called the Recycling Club. In addition to receiving their full refund, kids can earn a point for each penny of their refund. Points are accumulated in accounts tracked by a database and can be used toward prizes offered in a Recycling Club catalogue.  For example, one pop can will reward a child with 5 cents and 5 points into a Recycling Club account. Prize certificates are printed and are redeemable for specific items at local suppliers.1


1. Communication with Jennifer Peterson

2. Source: Clarissa Morawski. "Table 1.3b: Beverage Container Collection Rates" Who Pays What: An Analysis of Beverage Container Recovery and Costs in Canada.

3. Yukon Recycling Regulations

Updated April 24, 2018