New Brunswick Environment
Phone: (506) 453-2690
Frank LeBlanc,
Program Coordinator
[email protected]
Encorp Atlantic Inc.
Phone: (506) 532-7320
NB Liquor Corporation
Phone: (506) 452-6826
[email protected]
New Brunswick
Name of law | Beverage Containers Act |
Date Implemented | June 1, 1992 |
Administering agency | Encorp Atlantic (soft drinks) and Alcool NB Liquor (alcoholic beverages) |
Beverages covered | All beverages except milk and apple cider |
Containers covered | All beverage containers 5L and under |
Amount of deposit | 10¢ (5¢ refunded for non-refillable containers) Alcoholic beverages only: <500ml: 10¢ >500ml: 20¢ |
Handling fees | 4.06¢[3] |
Other Fees | Half-back system: only half of the deposit is returned when non-refillable containers are redeemed; the other half is kept as an "environmental fee" |
Reclamation system | Return to licensed redemption centers |
Unredeemed Deposits | Returned to the Environmental Trust Fund along with the non-refunded half of the deposit to run environmental programs |
Program success | 2016 Container collection rates[4] Aluminum Cans : 79% Non‐Refillable Glass : 73% Other plastics: 69% Gable/Aseptic packaging: 57% Total non-refillables: 73% Refillable [glass] beer: 97% Total Containers: 75% 2014 Container collection rates[4] Aluminum Cans : 80% Non‐Refillable Glass : 72% PET Bottles : 71% Other Plastics : 57% Bi‐Metal : Gable/Tetra Pak : 124% Other : 11% TOTAL Non‐Refillables : 73% Refillable Beer : 97% TOTAL CONTAINERS : 76% |
As of February 2008, approximately 86% of NB Residents have access to recycling programs within their community. approximately 30% of New Brunswick's population have access to multi-material curbside recycling, 55% have access to some form of curbside recycling programs, and 10 out of the 12 Solid Waste Commissions in NB use the depot system along with other programs.
The Beverage Containers Act regulates the deposit-refund system in New Brunswick. This system was the original model in Canada for the "half-back depot" approach. Deposits are paid on all beverage containers, and while there is a full refund on refillable containers, only half is refunded to the consumer for non-refillable containers. Under the Act, distributors must register with the Department of environment and submit a "stewardship plan" or select an agent that has submitted an acceptable stewardship plan.
Encorp Atlantic launches programs to modernize recycling systems (2014).
Soft drinks
Encorp Atlantic, a grocer/soft drink consortium, was set up to act as the Agent for the bottlers of all non-alcoholic beverages. Encorp is responsible for reimbursing deposits and collecting, processing and marketing the scrap materials. Redemption Centres remit their deposits to Encorp and are reimbursed for the refunds. All unredeemed deposits and scrap revenues are shared between Encorp for the management of the system and the Environmental Trust Fund of New Brunswick. Encorp also uses these monies for education and awareness campaigns about recycling and reuse. Redemption Centres are run by small, independent operators, with some municipalities running them as well. Government involvement is limited to licencing the Redemption Centres and some oversight of the system.
Section 18 of the Beverage Containers Act provides that distributors shall remit the amount of non-refunded deposit to the Province. The Province then uses that money, “the environmental fee” to pay for environmentally beneficial projects.
As of July 2017, there are 78 Redemption Centres (Enviro Depots) operating in New Brunswick. (approximately 86% of NB Residents have access to recycling programs within their community. approximately 30% of New Brunswick's population have access to multi-material curbside recycling, 55% have access to some form of curbside recycling programs, and 10 out of the 12 Solid Waste Commissions in NB use the depot system along with other programs.) Beer is included in the program. New trucks and technology increase system efficiency.
Beer system
Beer and liquor are sold exclusively in the Alcool New Brunswick Liquor (ANBL) liquor stores and are included in the Beverage Container Act. Liquor stores do not accept returns so all beer and liquor bottles flow into the Redemption Centre system. Bottles are returned to the Brewers, cans flow through Neighborhood Recycling, the agent appointed by ANBL. Prior to the creation of the half-back system there were already a number of bottle dealers who refunded beer bottle deposits. They have since become licenced Redemption Centre operators. Redemption Centres are licensed by the Department of Environment. The licensed Redemption Centres receive a handling fee for each bottle handled for the Brewers. The Brewers are responsible for freight costs incurred when picking up empties from the Redemption Centres.
1. S.N.B. 1991, c. B-2.2
2. S.N.B. 1991, c. B-2.2
3. "Beverage Container Program." Government of New Brunswick. Government of New Brunswick, post-December 12, 2016.
4. "Who Pays What? An Analysis of Beverge Container Collection and Costs in Canada, 2018." CM Consulting, October 2018.